CryptoSX Offers Struggling StartUps a Fundraising Lifeline
📈 Over the last few months, the global #StockMarkets and #CryptoTrends have taken a Bearish turn. Consequently, #fundraising has become a little harder for start-ups around the world.
👉🏼 At we offer an innovative #AssetTokenization Software that enables your company to deploy #BlockchainTechnology to raise funds quickly, with full Compliance & Security.
🤔 So, are you looking for innovative ways to raise funds for your #StartUp🏦? Let’s talk about Security Tokens.
What are Security Tokens ?
Security Tokens (STO) are digital representations of real-world assets such as Equity, Stock, Real estate, Artworks, Commodities, and other structured instruments that are tokenized to be held and traded securely on the blockchain.
CryptosX provides a framework for Startups to raise funds publicly from investors all over the world through Security Token Offerings (STOs) — without the infrastructural, transactional, or regulatory restrictions of the stock exchange markets.
CryptosX currently has dozens of STOs listed with billions of dollars worth of capital raised, including Huzhou Brighsun Battery Co. Ltd, Tinaga Resorts, LiquidGold Consultants, and Dignity Gold.
Have you considered doing a Security Token Offering (#STO)?
Fundraise With Our On-Chain Tokenization Software
Proven Security Token templates streamline the process of capital raising to allow faster time to market. Built-in programmatic ownership restrictions, you can sell private securities to a global pool of investors while allowing a liquid secondary market to develop.
✅All token templates verified by third-party security experts
✅Programmed regulatory compliance
✅Quick fundraise
✅Access to Global markets
✅Access to Global Investors
👉🏼 Click here to get started now.